Heinz Sterzenbach
Obra de arte: Bird-Man in the Desert en artistasdelatierra.com

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Bird-Man in the Desert

Categoria: Pintura
Técnica: Tecnica_Mixta
Acrilica Colage
Soporte: Tela

70 x 100 x 0,5
Estilo: Realismo Fantástico

  En venta
Precio 1020 € /

Usuario: heiste
País: Alemania
Miembro desde:
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The topic bird human being emerges in the oeuvre of the artist again and again. In this picture the bird human being is located to the landscape in the center in nearly symmetrical attitude - arms spread and feet spread - on the plateau of an excavation place (?) - similarly, as it is represented in the picture of "two riders in the desert". Behind it spreads a stony desert up to the endless horizon. From right a desert sandstorm approaches and obfuscates the sky. Such a desert storm announces himself usually with individual narrow, yellow sand volumes, which float over the dark desert soil. The color contrast reminds of a agitated ocean, when the wind whips long strips of white foam over the dark waves. The whirling sand strips close fast to a yellow flying carpet. The sight of the flowing desert excites swindles. Typic for sandstorms is that they show a sharp upper limit, few meters over the desert surface. In spite of this danger and also the corall snake wreathing behind the bird human being at the soil the bird human spreads both arms far from himself. The helmeted and crowned head of the bird human being belongs to a Kasuar, which can normally run with up to 50 km/h by the brushwood of the jungle. The hard horn comb divides the tangle of the lianas and intercepts the impacts that impact-ending branches. The decorative color play on head and neck is not a product of colored pigments, but develops alone by the special arrangement of grey-brown color grains in the skin and by the refraction of light. To the feets of the bird human being wreathe a coral snake. The "wrong coral snake" from the family poison natter (Elapidae), illustrated here, is very similar the genuine coral snake. The female becomes large up to 80 cm, the male up to 60 cm. The coral snake has a black lip and red transverse volumes, which are set in by yellow. The coral snake lives in the drying steppes in North -, Central and South America. It has a very strong poison, is however not so dangerous, because it does not give so much poison. In addition it lives withdrawn, because it is an night-active rooting queue. The coral snake eats lizards and other queues. Sometimes she hunts also young birds and insects. In June/July 3-6 eggs are put, which are long about 4 cm. The boys slip after 2 months and have approximately the size of an earthworm. Coral snakes belong to the few poison queues in North America and are land inhabitants.

Desert with Gepard
Desert Mountains with Amm...
Copyright: Heinz Sterzenbach ©
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La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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