Heinz Sterzenbach
Obra de arte: Desert with Gepard en artistasdelatierra.com

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Desert with Gepard

Categoria: Pintura
Técnica: Colage
Acrilica Colage
Soporte: Tela

30 x 40 x 0,5

Estilo: Realismo Fantástico

  En venta
Precio 200 € /

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Usuario: heiste
País: Alemania
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Web personal

The acryl collage consists of picture parts of different perspectives and components of various countries. Right down in the picture two different perspective are presented the ocher rocks of Roussillon/France, a bizarre and colored landscape, which are astonishing. The stone of this ocher rock becomes grinded in small particles and supplies one of the usually-used nature coloring materials, on whose proceeds the people of Rousillon lived long time, until chemistry perished the business. Today this rock again brings money in the country, as tourist attraction. Above this fantastic landscape rutted mountains pile up themselves up from dry flumes, which results from the technic of Decalcomanie with water-colors. Behind it a ocher colored stony desert (coffee grounds bound with Caparol) spreads up to the far horizon. A cheetah, the fastest large cat of the world, hisses the viewer of the picture left in the picture with far stretched neck projecting in the picture fear-exciting. The progress caught up also this noble animal. Also keeping in track speeds to 115 km/h do not help theese cheetahs: The captor lurk everywhere - e.g. on these gepards in Tanzania. Cheetah habitat shrinks, because more and more savannahs are transformed into fields. Consequence: The East Africa niches governments are glad, if they will be able to sell the wonderful animals lucratively. And because the cats in shank hardly increase, the demand of the zoos know no end.

erika - 2009-10-13 00:00:00

Dear friend artist, you paint is very good, in my country is the beautiful place, esceciality in the Patagonia in Chile, Torres del Paine has de patagonian lions, Excuse me I speak spanish so my english is more or less.
Good lake
E.Moreno - 2008-02-11 00:00:00

Hello Heinz: My friend Michelangelo I have spoken well of your paintings and that is why I come to your gallery. I like realism that has this cheetah and vitality that breathes. Congratulations. Emilio Moreno
miguenavas - 2008-02-07 00:00:00

Hola Heinz: Tu obra está llena de vida, tiene movimiento, respira libertad, dramatismo y naturaleza. Felicidades y bienvenido a este portal de Arte. Miguel Ángel
Hello Heinz: Your work is full of life, has movement, breathes freedom, dramatism and nature. Congratulations and welcome to this portal of Art. Miguel Ángel

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Copyright: Heinz Sterzenbach ©
Atención: Esta totalmante prohibida la reproducción de las obras en otros medios electronicos o impresos sin la autorización del autor. Si te interesa la obra contacta con el autor.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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