Jenni Walford
Obra de arte: The Whispering Gate en

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The Whispering Gate

Categoria: Pintura

Estilo: Expresionismo

  En venta
Precio 1000 € /

Usuario: jmwalford
País: España
Miembro desde:
Web personal

Part of a project on prostitution in Spain. Spain is the European country with the most number of prostitutes, many of whom have been trafficked by mafias and are working against their will. It´s called the whispering gate as the near invisibility of these women within Spanish society made me think of the Whispering Gate in Jaipur, designed to keep the harem out of view of society. They could watch the world go by without being seen. I wonder about these women´s stories and question a situation where a society demands a certain "service" yet at the same time does not grant these women a legal and transparent situation.

1 million sex acts are sold in Spain everyday. The total population is 45 million.
Asturias Spain

Laying Bare 1
Brontean Heroines
Copyright: Jenni Walford ©
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La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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