Steven Music
Obra de arte: In Conflict, 6th edition of Visible White Photo Prize 2017 en

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In Conflict, 6th edition of Visible White Photo Prize 2017

Categoria: Fotografia

Estilo: Arte Cinetico

  En exposición
Precio € /

Usuario: celestenetwork
País: Italia
Miembro desde:
Web personal

Visible White Photo Prize is an international open call for photographic works and projects, entry is open to all.

Theme 'In Conflict'
New manias collide nations and peoples in ever more forceful social and political conflictualities, with unforseen effects on personal and public behaviour.

Theme, terms and how to join:

Prizes 5,000 €
2,500 € for the Best Project
1,500 € for the Runner-up Project
1,000 € for the Best Single Photo

Laura Serani, chief curator of In Conflict, juror for World Press Photo Awards
Selva Barni, founder and director of Fantom
Andrés Duprat, director of Argentina Fine Arts Museum, Buenos Aires
Brigitte Lardinois, director of the Photography and Archive Research, University of the Arts in London
Elisa Medde, managing editor, Foam International Photography Magazine
Moritz Neumüller, director of PG de Fotografía Artística Contemporánea all'IDEP, Barcellona
Azu Nwagbogu, founder and director of the LagosPhoto Festival, Nigeria

Deadline to enter is 28th February 2017.

By 31st March 2017, 5 single photos and 10 finalist projects will be selected by the jury and announced online. Winners will be announced during the opening of the final exhibition in May 2017 at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni gallery in Florence.

Entry fee
20 € single photo, for additional single photos 15 €.
50 € project, (up to 10 single images), for additional projects 40 €.

A catalogue will be published which includes presentation of the finalist single photos and projects, images and texts by finalist photographers, as well as critical introductions by curator Laura Serani.

Visible White Photo Prize is a collaboration between Celeste Network and Fondazione Studio Marangoni.

More info
The Celeste team,
phone +39 0577 1521988

Visible White 2015
Celeste Prize 2017
Celeste Prize 2016
Copyright: Steven Music ©
Atención: Esta totalmante prohibida la reproducción de las obras en otros medios electronicos o impresos sin la autorización del autor. Si te interesa la obra contacta con el autor.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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