. Jose Higuera
Obra de arte: Mc Shopping en artistasdelatierra.com

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Mc Shopping

Jose Higuera2015
Categoria: Pintura
Técnica: Oleo

Soporte: Tela

80 x 120 x 3,5
oil on canvas
Estilo: Realismo

  En venta
Precio 6800 € /

Usuario: josehiguera
País: España
Miembro desde:
Web personal

The twenty connected works that will comprise the Shopping series tries to be a call to the consciousness in two aspects.
Firstly it is the reality reflected on a crystal; where the truth is to be found … the truth that we all know about but that most of us do not appreciate.
Secondly it is the history, the past and the present … the past of achievements and improvements that surround our past but are rarely recognized maybe because they have been taken for granted as they were always there for our delight.

But it is not so … maybe the internal shining and the accepted forms are clouding the perception of that reality. Is it possible that, by being immersed in the drunkenness of the immediate satisfaction that this world offers, we rather look more comfortably at the reflection?

The wish that the passing and unreal shines never cloud the authentic meaning of things is, without any doubt, what drives me to paint “Shopping” …. in the meantime the sun is shining out there.

This oil painting is done on gallery wrapped linen canvas, with no need for framing, as the edges are painted. Ready to hang. It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artist.

El ojo del mar
Copyright: . Jose Higuera ©
Atención: Esta totalmante prohibida la reproducción de las obras en otros medios electronicos o impresos sin la autorización del autor. Si te interesa la obra contacta con el autor.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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