Steven Music
Obra de arte: Celeste Prize 2016 en

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Celeste Prize 2016

Categoria: Pintura

Soporte: Tela

Estilo: Figurativo

  En venta
Precio 50 € / 50

Usuario: celestenetwork
País: Italia
Miembro desde:
Web personal

Submission deadline for Celeste Prize 2016 is 15th July, discover what’s new!
There’s more prize money 23,000 €, and more artists will be invited to the final exhibition in London, The Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, 7-10 October.

Celeste Prize is an international contemporary arts prize which every year awards rewarding benefits to emerging and mid-career artists:

Deadline for entry is 30th June:

Ellen Blumenstein, director, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, is chief-curator of the prize and leads this year’s super-jury of international art critics and curators:
Juliana Bardolim, writer and art critic, Moscow
Moritz Wesseler, director, Kölnischen Kunstverein, Cologne
Chiara Ianeselli, independent curator, Italy
Marc Bembekoff, director, La Halle des bouchers, Vienne
Chris Fitzpatrick, director of Muenchen Kunstverein, Munich
Felix Hoffmann, curator, C/O Berlin Foundation, Berlin
Marianna Liosi, curator, Italy
Barbara Piwowarska, independent curator, Warsaw
Alya Sebti, independent curator, Morocco
Sandro Droschl, director, Künstlerhaus Graz, Austria
Zane Onckule, director, kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga

The 53 finalist artists themselves, chosen by the jury, will vote the prize money at the final exhibition in London.

23,000 € prize
Project Prize 4,000 €
Painting & Drawing Prize 4,000 €
Photography & Digital Graphics Prize 4,000 €
Video & Animation Prize 4,000 €
Installation, Sculpture & Performance Prize 4,000 €
NEW Super-Young Prize 3,000 € (under-26 years)

Entry fees:
50 € for a single work
90 € for a project (up to 10 works)

Visible White 2015
Celeste Prize 2017
Copyright: Steven Music ©
Atención: Esta totalmante prohibida la reproducción de las obras en otros medios electronicos o impresos sin la autorización del autor. Si te interesa la obra contacta con el autor.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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