Steven Music
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Deadline extension for open call Streamers

07 de Diciembre del 2016 a las 16:52:39 0 Leído (783)

The deadline to apply to Streamers, the online call for art projects, has been extended to 16th December, with the possibility to upload projects by 23rd December.

Streamers is open to artists and photographers, inviting them to share their projects from conception to refinement, revealing the insights that underline the creative process.

Full details on Streamers:

8,000 € cash prizes:
6,000 € Prize Best Artistic Project
2,000 € Prize Best Project which changes a community

The jury
Irene Alison, chief curator of Streamers, founder of Doll's Eye Reflex Laboratory
Camilla Invernizzi, founder of ArtsFor_
Xavier Antoinet, head of photography at EyeEm
Arianna Rinaldo, artistic director of Cortona On the Move Festival
Jamie Wellford, senior photo editor at National Geographic

Final exhibition at Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy, from 20th April to 7th May 2017.

The Celeste team,
+39 0577 1521988

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La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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