Steven Music
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SKIN, Visible White Photo Prize 2016

02 de Marzo del 2016 a las 15:18:37 0 Leído (481)

10th March is new deadline.

You still have 10 days to show your photographic work on the theme of SKIN to our jury of expert, photography professionals.

5,000 € prizes and final exhibition at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence, Italy.

More info:

10th March will be the last day to pay your entry fee, you then have an additional 7 days to complete the online application.
Photographs submitted to SKIN will be reviewed for selection by an international jury of photography professionals, which include:
Irene Alison, independent curator, journalist and writer, Italy
Krzysztof Candrowicz, Hamburg Triennale, Germany
Louise Clements, QUAD, UK
Erik Kessels, Useful Photography, The Netherlands
Anna-Alix Koffi, OFF the wall Magazine, France

Follow this link for full information:

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La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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