Mine, Explosion of Self
05 de Junio del 2012 a las 12:30:49 0 Leído (638)
MINE, Explosion of Self
MINE is an international call for artistic projects which investigates the theme of Self as a motor of shock and change in our society. Artists worldwide, without limits of age or experience, can submit works in any media.
Entries online by 15 July 2012.
“Art is a huge explosion of self which affects everyone. A shock within the system. The only true form of global revolution” – read more about the curator Jacopo Perfetti’s exciting theme and how to join online now: http://www.celesteprize.com/mine/
Each project can contain up to 10 images of artworks, photographs, installations, videos or renderings – supported by a textual statement. Entry fee per project is € 30.
10 selected projects will be announced by 15 August and exhibited at Art Kitchen’s space ‘Superground’ in Milan, Italy, from 15 September to 30 September 2012.
Join Celeste Network, it’s the fastest growing network for artists and visual arts professionals worldwide, more than 44,000 members have already signed up – its free !
MINE, Explosion of Self is a collaboration between Art Kitchen and Celeste Network.
Tel: +39 0577 939425 - info@celesteprize.com - http://www.celesteprize.com