cAtrOuGe rossella fava
Biografia cAtrOuGe rossella fava en

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Usuario: cAtrOuGe
País: Italia
Miembro desde:
Web personal

Rossella Fava [cAtrOuGe] was born in Turin in 1979.
After art school she works for some years as coder and web
designer. From 2004 she attend the School of Fine Arts of
Turin, following the Decoration Course, and she enriches her
training with many workshop, collaboration and course.

She utilizes and combines different techniques in her work: painting,
photo, digital art and site specific installation. From her work emerges
a powerful criticism of relationship than the man set with that than
round him: another human being, an animal, a building.

In the last time she take part in exhibition, happening and exposure
in a lot of Italian city and in Europe.

La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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Artistas y arte. Artistas de la tierra