Magdalena Czubak Scholle
Blog friendship - Magdalena Czubak Scholle en

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Usuario: M.Czubak
País: Polonia
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13 de Enero del 2012 a las 21:34:40 0 Leído (562)

A good friend is my nearest relation:) MAS VALE BUEN AMIGO QUE PARIENTE O PRIMO:) Ein guter Freund ist mehr wert als hundert Verwandte:) Praestat amicitia propinquitati:)

* Friendship is a relationship between two people. * It is the unity of the souls and minds of both persons. * It does not depend on physical proximity, nor on awareness of mutual interests or what both parties have in common. * There is only one condition: both parties must be progressing on the path towards goodness. * Anyone on that path is a potential friend. * They transmit positive energy towards you and others - similar to monks who pray for the benefit of people they do not know. * They can help you without your even knowing. * This is the magic of friendship :)

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