Júlia Fernández Sánchez
Blog EXPOSICION REALIZADA EN AGORA GALLERY NEW YORK - Júlia Fernández Sánchez en artistasdelatierra.com

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Usuario: Julia
País: España
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14 de Abril del 2009 a las 16:47:14 0 Leído (805)

Noticia del Consulado de España en New York
The Portal of Dreams, this is the title of a group exhibition that includes spanish artist Júlia Fernández. She reflect a sophisticated understanding of the human psyche. Working in a contemporany surrealist style, she manipulates color, movement and texture to create stirring subjects filled with meaning.
Through November 13 in Agora Gallery New York.

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La perfección no es cosa pequeña, pero está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti

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