Who I am, what I believe and what I think.
I was born near the lion´s colour river , under the constellation of Virgo, in Olivos city, Vicente Lopez County, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I have studied in Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires, at Julio A. Roca Normal School; Manuel Belgrano National Visual Arts School and Prilidiano Pueyrredon Superior Arts School.
I read and paint since I have seen Light.
I don´t live “from this” but “for this”
During my whole life I have painted abstract paintings because I think this is the way along which the pure creation goes through
The only lineage I recognize and value is Talent.
I am persuaded that absolute liberty is absolute loneliness.
I am what I do.
Norma NAVA
Thanks for making such a terrific contribution to the international artistic and poetic community.
My students who are studying abstract art will find Norma's work inspirational!
Best wishes,
Steve Feld
Mona Lisa Select Site Award
Of the two contemporary artists I have learned something, you are one.
Best wishes
Maarten Jansen(C)2005
Beeldrecht and Foundation(Stichting Beeldrecht)
Thank you for your fantastic works subscribing before.
Now, your two Painting works "CREPUSCULO&AURORA" and
"AMAZONIA serial-SPELEON"were chosen as ten higher ranks
as a result of totaling the 30th contest votes.
They turn into nomination works of "Annual Grand Prix".
In addition, the present contest's vote is also received. Thank you.
Best wishes,
Webmaster - Inter Art Museum
Everything You need to art work the web. Every day.
------ Inter-Art Museum ---------
It is with great pleasure that we extend to you an invitation to be included in the forthcoming Inaugural Edition of the 2006-2007 of Prestige WHO'S WHO Registries.
This Inaugural Edition recognizes those men and women who have achieved success in their respective fields. This special edition of the registry is designed as an outstanding networking source for the American marketplace as well as a world wide source for the Who's Who of global decision makers.
We believe your accomplishments, as a highly respected professional in your field, merit very earnest and intense consideration for inclusion.
On behalf of Prestige WHO'S WHO Registries, we wish you continued success.
Board of Directors
Prestige Whos Who Registries, LLC
Prestige International Who's Who Registries • 300 Motor Parkway, Suite 200, Hauppauge, NY 11773 • (631) 654-4045
Art and Design
Juan Antonio Cardete
Getafe-Alcorcón 9 de octubre de 2005
Norma Nava belongs to the lineage of the talent. A lineage certified by its multiple dedication (to the painting, the poetry, the delivery to the others) and by the originality of all its persistence. Its creative trajectory is "to walk without destiny", as it proclaims with transparent simplicity in That I want (poemario published in CD in Buenos Aires, 2004).
From its beginning, the book Dispersed Signals (published in Pontevedra, Spain, 2005, by the Factory of the poet) presents displays a determined option to us, an election of personal trip. The creation is located in a space "without space", in the territory of the dream.
In that battle against the world and the time, the object of the poem climbs far from the anecdote and raises metaphorics spheres. That inner adventure that could fall in the sentimentality, flees from him jumping to another dimension. The heavy outline of the personal experience is replaced by the artistic emotion. In order to express desolation.
As we see, one is a medular atemporal poetry, that looks for the magma of the total life, of the most integral beauty. The poetic voice is styled to the maximum in that search of a space.
The brief verse reinforces the winged, obstinate expression to the dream. In single three words, "Inclemency i myself", gives all a vision of the world, the one to us of that has undressed of everything to flood of beauty and truth.
But poetic I it is not a loneliness voice that is taken hold to the failure like poetic blood, but who has itself with a powerful telluric force in their unit with the nature.
It is, in short, the poetry of Norma Nava like a magical, inner, cosmic tree, "tree of foot" like its thinned verse, spirit, undressing of anecdotal or denominational ballast, that appears "from the deep thing".
The time, the reality, the cruelty of the certain world is the enemies who the poetic word seems able to exorcise (although it only is in the fleeting rite of his celebration in the poem). That uncertain, dispersed verse of Norma Nava is the certificate of its multiple and original art: the painting, the poetry, the delivery to the others.
This page is the first in a series of webpages in which Paintings.name tries to give an overview of the abstract arts on the Internet. Each page will be devoted to a single artist, and we couldn't have made a better and more difficult start than with the work of Argentinian artist Norma Nava. Why it's a good start is obvious - to this author however, it's also a daunting task because of the originality of Norma Nava's work, which makes it hard to classify, as well as the experience of it's maker which humbles a semi-young artist such as myself. We shall not dwell on that - let's take a look at Norma's paintings.If one browses through Norma's websites it soon becomes clear that nature is central in her work and thinking. There are drawings and photos of flowers, forests, Indians and many of her paintings are reminiscent of microscopic enhancements of cross-sections of plant- and animal cells as well as body-tissue. Some paintings seem like an artistic study into cell-biology and the visual language of fractals. All this is mixed with mesoamerican symbols and geometry in an incredibly clever way, that makes Norma Nava a great structuralist. With structuralism we mean that it's the artist's intention to fit together a painting's details such that they produce a pictorial unity. This is difficult enough when dealing with simple geometric objects such as squares, triangles, etc., but the level of complexity increases exponentially if shapes contain a degree of randomness, as is the case in nature, especially in microbiology, which seems to be a source of inspiration to Norma Nava.And so there is the additonal problem of visualizing randomness in an artistically convincing way. Care has to be taken to realize the difference with the role that chance plays in action painting. There the artist uses mechanical techniques to depict randomness, such that the way the paint hits the canvas really is random. Randomness in a Norma Nava painting however, probably starts with a drawing, which produces a more controlled kind of randomness, since it comes forth out of the artist's judgement directly and so, while depicting randomness, it's actually entirely deliberate.The title of the first painting (above), Amazonia Distintos Canales, suggests that the Amazon river is the painting's subject-matter, but at the same time it reminds of microbiology.In the painting to the left many more mesoamerican symbols can be seen and possibly a map of an archaeological site. The safety is typical of the way Norna mixes earnesty with humor - perhaps she can be described as one of the last nonconformists in "Western" art (the quotes denote my ignorance as to whether or not Latin American should be regarded as Western - it definitely makes a European impression - or as fully independent). In daily life a certain degree of conformism is probably unavoidable, but in art it's a recipe for mediocrity.To me the painting on the left looks like a cross-section of body-tissue with muscles and tendons. This seems like an example of Norma's quasi-abstractionism in which one wonders whether one is looking at real-life objects or not.
OBJETO : Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea
Città di Firenze - Italia
Distinguida Artista :Norma Nava
Queremos informarle que estamos seleccionando los artistas para la pròxima Bienal de Florencia que se llevarà a cabo del 3 al 11 de Dicembre 2005.
En nuestro web site informaciòn relativa a la exposición.
El comitè interno de la exposiciòn ha visto sus obras presentes en internet y ha manifestado opinion favorable para su participaciòn en la Biennale 2005.
Norma Nava, Argentinean of the world, her different artistic disciplines are shaped in pictorial verses, in narrative panels. Writer and plastic artist, their works feed from eachother meticulously to construct the personnal univers in which she lives. She shares with us in her poem "Tan"(So), coming from the other side of the ocean.
Her poetry shells in mixed images, in gores of phenomenic existence that the author approaches to tell us with these words:
"(...)Whichever I saw, I suffered. Whatever I lived, I dreamed. Whatever I kept, I lost. How much I loved and I forgot. How much I let go. How much I did not believe...All that I shut up...One the waters are gone and the words dries the wood returning it ashgray, in some way or rare way those things must return left at the mercy of winds, clouds of the flames....Everything what finishes, recommences. Memory, time within the time moving in different directions(...)”
Among her long trajectory and intense life, there are 26 international poetic anthologies, a personal book of poems, 26 group exhibitions, 24 individual and 28 national and international participations in important art institutions.
diciembre 9 2006--
(Esp) - Estimado/a Artista, NORMA NAVA
Ya en la pasada ediciòn de la Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporàneo de Florencia, el Comitè Interno de la Bienal ha expresado opiniòn favorable para su admisiòn en la exposiciòn. Deseamos con la presente, renovarle la invitaciòn para la pròxima ediciòn 2007.
Associazione Federico II eventi si pregia di inviarLe bando di concorso per la seconda edizione del Premio Internazionale di pittura "FEDERICO II" , la contattiamo dopo aver preso visione delle sue opere ed averle ritenute degne del concorso in oggetto.
Le inviamo in allegato locandina del concorso e bando dello stesso , comunque nel caso non potesse aprire il file la invitiamo a scaricare il bando dal nostro sito(non ancora completo). Il concorso 2006 vede i patrocinii di:
Presidente Onorario :
Green Princes Trust e del Corpus Saecularium Principum di Edinburgh Principessa Yasmine Hohenstaufen (discendente di Federico II di Svevia),
Comune di Bari,
Regione Puglia,
Provincia di Bari,
Regione Sicilia,
Università degli Studi di Palermo,
Provincia di Palermo,
Comune di Palermo.
L’associazione di promozione sociale FEDERICO II EVENTI con i Patrocini di:
Regione Puglia,
Regione Sicilia,
Unviersità di Palermo,
Comune di Bari,
Comune di Palermo,
Provincia di Bari,
Provincia di Palermo,
Presidente Onorario:
Green Princes Trust e Fondazione Federico II di
Edinburgh Principessa Yasmine Hohenstaufen
Organizza la seconda edizione del
Premio internazionale di pittura - ”FEDERICO II”
Art and Design
The 2006-2007 Prestige International Who's Who Registries of Outstanding Professionals.
I have been chosen as manager of the ABSTRACT ARTISTS Webring. If you are interested in joining this ring, fill the application once you are a Webring member. EVERYTHING IS FREE, MEMBERSHIP, APPLICATION, ETC.
http://w.webring.com/hub?ring=abstractartists -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Artist Norma Nava
Based on a first internal preselection we are pleased to invite and encourage you to join our 2007 "Palm Art Award".
With kind regards,
Julika Götte
Prequalification Commission
Palm Art Award
Who's Who in Visual Art
Lessingstrasse 24
D-04109 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: 0049-(0)341-2682488
Córdoba, Argentina.JULY 2006
Dear Visual Artist Norma Nava,
Found out its work quality, we considered your incorporation in the book "CONTEMPORARY ART, IMAGES AND CRITIC" produced by ATcultura.
Biographies and images of artists ; commentaries by prominents reviewers,messages and essays of Contemporary Art, will be distribuited on first universities and museums of the world.
Book will be edited in bilingual ( Spanish and English).
Artists invited to take part of edition, will invite by a selection criteria of quality.
Best regards.
Dipl. Ricardo Lescano Grosso, Director.
AT cultura.
Dear Artist Norma Nava,
Thank you for your fantastic works subscribing before.
Now, your Painting work "PATAGONIA 1" was chosen as ten higher ranks
as a result of totaling the 32nd contest votes.
They turn into nomination works of "Annual Grand Prix".
In addition, the present contest's vote is also received.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Webmaster - Inter Art Museum
Everything You need to art work the web. Every day.
------ Inter-Art Museum ---------
El Museum of the Americas la invita a participar en esta importante exposicion cuya informacion sigue:
1. La exposicion se llevara a cabo en el Museo desde el 13 de OCTUBRE hasta el 4 de NOVIEMBRE de 2006 celebrando el 15o. aniversario de la fundacion del museo y la tradicional muestra "Herencia Hispana en America" en su 13a edicion. El coctel de inauguracion sera como es habitual de 6:30 pm a 10:00 pm.
Centro Cultural Municipal
Cruz del Eje - Córdoba - ARGENTINA
"Afuera - Adentro"
Muestra de Arte Iberoamericano Contemporáneo.
Colección ATcultura de arte
Norma Nava y Alejandro Almeida
Costa Rica:
Rosella Matamoros(Biennale di Venezia) y Alejandro Villalobos
Bela Limenes
Osvaldo Herrera Graham
Patricia Belli (Bienal de Sao Paulo)
Lino Iralda y Sara Diaz
Edilson Barbosa
Cristiano Rimassa
Curador: Ricardo Lescano Grosso Director de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Cruz del Eje, Cba. Arg.
Martillero en bienes de arte
Diplomado en gestión cultural Univ. Blas Pascal
Tesista de la Maestría en Patrimonio Cultural Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Jueves 24 de Agosto de 2006
a las 20 Hs.
MOSTRA DI ARTISTI INTERNAZIONALE a Santa Severina ( Calabria, Italia)
Cosenza: Centro Studi Gianfranco Labrosciano Cosenza
Sunday May 20, 2007 - Wednesday June 20, 2007
artists: Nilgun Akyol, Nataliya Derev'Yanko, Boros Emanuela, Francesco Gentile, Dinko Georgiev, Gianni Iannitto, Vassilios Ikoutas, Julia Lutter, Alvaro Mejias, Mirta Benavente Mireleb, Norma Nava, Giuseppina Pepe, Hamdija Zahirovic
Il Centro Studi per l'Arte Contemporanea "Gianfranco Labrosciano" ha inteso organizzare in collaborazione con il Comune di Santa Severina ( Calabria, Italia) attività artistiche di carattere internazionale da svolgersi nelle sale del Castello del medesimo Comune.
Dear Ms. Norma NAVA,
We would first like to thank you for your great work subscribing before.
We found the classified total of the 8th Annual Grand Prix votes, and
you are awarded a Bronze prize ("PATAGONIA 1").
You will receive a certificate of merit and prize in the near future.
We look forward to your fantastic works again.
Best wishes,
Webmaster - Inter-Art Museum
Everything you need to art work the web. Every day.
APRIL 2007
Congratulations to the first five artists selected by our panel for “The Best of 123Soho 2007 Art Show".
They are Olga Dmytrenko, P Cartier, Gerard Boersma, Yonova Severina, and Norma Nava. Please keep in mind that these were culled from over 1,730 works of art, most of which were of very high caliber, and that the submissions were not limited to the United States , but are international in origin.
The order in which the artists are being displayed, is not indicative of the quality of the work.
BIENNAL 2007 OF THE END OF THE WORLD-USHUAIA-ARGENTINA-ORGANIZED : AAVRA(VISUAL ART ARGENTINE ARTISTS).Selected argentine artists made their flag choosing a rainbow color.The subject is the PIRACY that robs and depredace the ATLANTIC SOUTH OCEAN, the subsoil and the patagonian rainforests condemning to the extinction to many species.The flags symbolize the WHIPALA OF THE INCAS in the SOUTH AMERICAN ANDES. Flag size: 4 mts. X 2.50 mts.each one.